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  • Founded in November: 1990
  • Population in East District: approx. 222 thouand.
  • Area of district: 33.5206 km 2
  • District borders:
Separated from Chudong Town at Guandong Bridge in the east, adjacent to the Northern District in the west, connected to Baoshan Country and Hsiangshan District in the south, and overlooks Chubei at Touchien River in the north.
  • The organization of government is roughly discriminated as bellow:
​Central government ---county (city) government---township (district) office---village is subordination relationship.
East District belongs to the level of township and 53 villages under control. The population of each village is about several hundreds to nine thousand. The population accounts for 0.082 % in Taiwan . Area land size accounts for 0.09 % in Taiwan . Although it is a small area, it is a charming city with tradition and modern as well. It is worthwhile to travel, work and live here.
  • Temperature: Winter 10 ℃ -20 ℃ Summer 28 ℃ -36 ℃
  • Emergency Telephone: If you have any troubles about Communication in your daily life, please dial
Item Phone
Emergency call (Fire, Car accident etc.) 119
Report to the police, please dial 110
Call Center ( 24h Service )  0800-024111


Visited:2103  Update:2023-09-19